Chesapeake / Greenbrier - Rahsaan Elliott
Número de llicència: 0225267575 - VA / Real Estate Consultant
Cada oficina de Keller Williams® és propietat i opera de manera independent
Els meus detalls
AFILIACIÓ MILITAR Veteran - United States United States Navy Military Spouse - United States United States Navy Military Family Member - United States United States Marine Corps Military Family Member - United States United States Army
CENTRE DEL MERCAT Chesapeake / Greenbrier

Sobre mi

Born on December 27, 1975, in East Orange, New Jersey, I have a diverse background that encompasses both a distinguished military career and a deep commitment to my community.

My educational journey began at Bowman High School in Bowman, South Carolina, where I graduated with a diploma in 1993. Recognizing the importance of continued learning and leadership development, I pursued further education, completing the Senior Enlisted Academy in 2013. Later, in 2018, I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Administrative Leadership from The University of Oklahoma, a testament to my dedication to personal growth and excellence.

My professional path has been marked by a remarkable 28-year career in the United States Navy, where I served as a career Submarine force member. His journey in the Navy culminated with the rank of Command Master Chief, reflecting my unwavering commitment to duty, leadership, and service to my country.

Beyond my military service, I am an active member of the community. I serve on the Production Team at Grace Bible Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where my dedication to helping others shines through. In my spare time, I also embrace my creative side, pursuing freelance videography projects that allow me to explore my artistic talents.

One of my true passions is empowering individuals to achieve what they may have once deemed unattainable in the world of real estate. I leverage my extensive knowledge, leadership skills, and dedication to guide and support others on their real estate journeys. I currently reside in Virginia Beach, Virginia, alongside my wife and youngest daughter, where I continue to make a positive impact on my community and inspire those around me.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Rahsaan Elliott
Número de llicència: 0225267575

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Chesapeake / Greenbrier
1100 Volvo Parkway, Suite 200 23320

Rahsaan Elliott
Real Estate Consultant 0225267575
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